Now done 1% of #walk1000miles – 2024

That’s me done 1% of #walk1000miles. So 11.63 miles down and 988.37 miles remaining!

Keep up-to-date with all my cycling and walking adventures over at

The cost to run this website is going up…

The cost of running this website is going up by £2 a month! That may not sound a lot… But that is an extra £24 a year! Takes the cost up to £117 a year!

If you can help… Bank Transfer info is…

  • Sort code : 11-45-31
  • Account number : 00010861
  • Name : Gordon S Valentine
  • Bank : Halifax
  • Ref : Website2024

Even just £1 or £2! Would be great!

December 2023 most popular photos

Below are the top five most looked at photos on this website during December 2023.

Number 1 (130 views) : Synergy Swimrun wetsuit
Synergy Swimrun wetsuit

Number 2 (62 views) : Synergy Swimrun wetsuit
Synergy Swimrun wetsuit

Number 3 (62 views) : Synergy Swimrun wetsuit
Synergy Swimrun wetsuit

Number 4 (55 views) : HUUB Brownlee Agilis wetsuit
Bondage + HUUB Brownlee Agilis wetsuit

Number 5 (50 views) : Fetters Padded Leather Muzzle
Fetters Padded Leather Muzzle

Love these photos? Many more at

First cycle of 2024!

Happy days. Done my first cycle of 2024! It may have only been 12.44 miles. But that’s still more miles, than I did in the whole of December!

You can check out the route I took at

Synergy Swimrun wetsuit

Synergy Swimrun wetsuit