Wearing Synergy Swimrun wetsuit outdoors

Wearing the Synergy Swimrun wetsuit outdoors, for the very first time! You will have to take my word for it, it was very cold indeed!

Oh and after doing these photos, I drove over 150 miles home, still wearing the wetsuit!

Synergy Swimrun wetsuit

Synergy Swimrun wetsuit

Synergy Swimrun wetsuit + Neoprene Pup Hood

More photos can be found at www.gordon-valentine.com/zenphoto/wetsuits/synergy-swimrun-wetsuit/

VeloViewer Infographic : 23 November 2021 @veloviewer

Here is the updated version of my VeloViewer Infographic. Which shows all my cycling and walking data from 01/01/2021 to 23/11/2021.

So far, I’ve done 4,119 miles of exercise this year. Which is made up of just cycling and walking. All recorded via GPS. If done using steps, it would be 4,600 miles… If not more!

Also had 327 active days… Which means, I’ve done at least one cycle or walk each day this year!

Where it says running… That’s my walking data!