These are my main goals for 2021. These are not in any order at all…
- Spend more time, seeing friends and family (Not seen, any of my family since xmas 2019!).
- Cycle 100 miles in a single ride! Done this before, but not for a long time!!
- Cycle at least 4,000 miles.
- Go more cycles with mates!
- Visit many more UK railways stations!
- Walk 1,000 miles again in year!
- Climb at least, two or three more mountains.
- Been single for 12 years, maybe time to fix that!
- Make more money! But just finding a job, would be a start!! LOL!
If, I can think of anything else. I will update this post! 🙂
What are your goals for 2021? Why, not post them here!?!?!?