Middle of October 2020 most popular photos

Below are the top five most looked at photos on this website, so far during October 2020.

Number 1 (84 views) : My type of Netflix and chill
My type of Netflix and chill

Number 2 (52 views) : Hunter inline skinsuit Team Britain 2018
Hunter inline skinsuit Team Britain 2018

Number 3 (46 views) : Skinsuit

Number 4 (43 views) : Jay wearing his Rubber Skinhead Gear
Rubber Skinhead Gear

Number 5 (41 views) : Skinsuit with hood up
Skinsuit with hood up

Do love my new Scotland cycling kit!

Do really love my new Scotland cycling kit! No it’s not because I am Scottish… When in fact, I was born in England, but did grow up in Scotland! So Scotland, will always be my home. Just see myself more has British. The main reason I love it, is of course the because of white Lycra shorts!! Now come on people, stop asking for it to rain all the time!! LOL! 🙂

Scotland cycling kit from Pedal Clothing

Scotland cycling kit from Pedal Clothing