Ride around the World ✅

Ride around the WorldThat’s me completed yet another Strava challenge, this time the “Ride around the World“ challenge.

Please do check out my profile at www.strava.com/athletes/gsvalentine and better still follow me. Oh and do remember, if it’s not on Strava, it did not happen! FACT!!!

Good cycle, back before the rain started!

That was another great cycle, did 19.97 miles and better still, made it back, just before the weather changed! I don’t really want to get my new Lycra skinsuit all wet! Sure lot’s of you, would pay good money to see that! LOL!

Today’s route can be seen at www.strava.com/activities/3562965629

Myself at Clipsham Yew Tree Avenue
Myself at Clipsham Yew Tree Avenue
Hunter inline skinsuit Team Britain 2018

Now done 75% of #walk1000miles – 2020

walk1000miles - 2020That’s me now done 75% of #walk1000miles. So 750.88 miles down and 249.12 miles remaining!

Keep up-to-date with all my cycling and walking adventures over at www.strava.com/athletes/gsvalentine

I’ve now got 4,002 subscribers on YouTube

Love my work? Then SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel. Where, I try to post a new vlog at least 3 to 4 times a month!

Think the photos of myself wearing leathers, Lycra and wetsuits look good? Then think about all the HD and even some 4K videos!!

Check me out at www.youtube.com/gsvalentine