Oh dear, what to blog about!

Trying to do a blog post, every day is getting harder and harder!! So, I will just repost some fun photos! 🙂

Wetsuit + Padded Leather Muzzle

2XU A:1 Active wetsuit + straitjacket

Latex Max Secure Shorts

3 Replies to “Oh dear, what to blog about!”

  1. 2 make your life more easy & 2 make the blogs interesting I would reduce them 2 once a wk. that way U will have a whole wk of news 2 tell everyone & there should B something of interest 2 read or look @.

  2. Have a stroll down memory lane and repost old old photos or older blog entries. Tell about if you feel different about what you posted back then. Of course with the photos you can do the same.cyb

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