The Forth Bridges

That was a totally amazing day. Which started with us getting a train from Stirling to Edinburgh. Then another train from Edinburgh over the Forth Bridge to North Queensferry. Think it’s only the second time, that I’ve been over the Forth Bridge. It’s got to be one of the short best railway trips, you can do in the UK!

Then after having a look around North Queensferry and of course getting many photos of the Forth Bridge. We (hey, Neil) then walked over the Forth Road Bridge, which is something, that I’ve wanted to do for a long time. Last time, we went to do it, the weather was that bad (very, very wet), we only walked part of it, then give up!

So was, really happy we walked whole of it! From North Queensferry to South Queensferry. You get great views from it!

Then we had a mini look around South Queensferry. Then walked to Dalmeny railway station, to get train back to Stirling!

Oh and I can now tick North Queensferry and Dalmeny railway stations off my list! 🙂

Forth Bridge

Forth Bridge

Forth Road Bridge

More photos can be found over at