Reserved seat tickets + I do miss GNER

I can’t be the only one, that takes the reserved seat, tickets with me when I get off the train! Of course, I only do it, if no one else has same seat reserved has me!

I do really miss the GNER days, when you could get more than one train a day direct from Peterborough to Glasgow. Also they had by far the best service of any of the train operating companies. None of the currect ones come even close to them!

Queen’s Park (Glasgow) and Wigan North Western railway stations βœ…

I can now add Queen’s Park (Glasgow) and Wigan North Western railway stations. I was looking through old railway tickets and found a ticket for each of them stations! πŸ™‚

  • Queen’s Park (Glasgow) – 22 December 1999.
  • Wigan North Western – 8th April 2003.

This brings my total, up to 87. So only another 2,473 to go!