Campsie Fells in 2XU A:1 Active wetsuit

I went for a great walk up the Campsie Fells, since it was a bit on the cold side, used my new 2XU A:1 Active wetsuit has a base layer…

Campsie Fells

2XU A:1 Active wetsuit

2XU A:1 Active wetsuit

2XU A:1 Active wetsuit

4 Replies to “Campsie Fells in 2XU A:1 Active wetsuit”

  1. Looks like you needed a little more protection from the cold, I wore a thick insulated wet suit under my coveralls when the temps. got down near zero (F) here.

    The insulated wet suit was very good at blocking the wind, it was really helpful at with zero wind chills and single digit temperatures.

  2. Wow! Holy sh*t! That’s such a great idea, Gordon. You look so sexy at the top of the hill. I have to say you have really inspired me to do the same. I’m looking forward to seeing more pics like this.

  3. Looking good G… 1 of the last full fat versions of Iron Bru, unless U have stocked up on them B4 the new recipe is launched, this January I think. he he.

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