I hope that you have all been enjoying, all the wetsuit photos! But of course, I had to save the best, till last! Which is, wearing wetsuits with other cute lads!
My first EVER wetsuit!
Yep, I’ve still got my first ever wetsuit, which is a O’Neill Hammer Spring Suit. Which I got from the O’Neill shop in Buchanan Galleries, in Glasgow. The shop, has long gone. But the memories of getting it have not! Till this day, it’s the only wetsuit, I’ve got it person! All the others, I’ve got on-line! I still remember picking it up and going to till to pay for it!
If it had not been for that wetsuit, then my now “famous” Wetsuitlads website, may never have started!
More photos of myself wearing the O’Neill Hammer Spring Suit can be found at www.gordon-valentine.com/zenphoto/page/search/tags/”O’Neill+Hammer+Spring+Suit”/