One of my goals this year, is to do least two new vlogs every month!! Just hope I don’t run out of things to chat about! If you have any ideas, please comment on this post!
First vlog of 2017 – 08/01/2017
Hello and welcome to 2017 and of course my first vlog of 2017!
First wetsuit cycle vlog of 2017 – 14/01/2017
Filmed during the first wetsuit cycle of 2017! Well it’s cold, so have to keep warm some how!
The places I find, while cycling… – 29/01/2017
Just the normal Gordon type vlog, speaking about no idea what! But did find this really new cool place… oh and I had a wetsuit on!
I love Valentine’s Day!! NOT! – 14/02/2017
I love Valentine’s Day! It’s my favourite day of the year! NOT!
Back to wetsuit vlogging – 28/02/2017
Yes after the last three vlogs, which many of you found boring. I am back out cycling, wearing a wetsuit of course!