Who’s the better photographer?

​You can tell who’s the better photographer in my family… and it’s not my brother. Same location, not that you can tell from the photo!!

5 Replies to “Who’s the better photographer?”

  1. Top photo…poor composition…those glasses need to be off. Bottom photo..composition very good…which horizon about where it should be……..End of Sermon LOL

    1. Oh dear, you’ve just said, I can’t take photos!! Since I took the top one of my brother and he took my photo!

      I think my one, I took is much better, since you see more of the landscape around and not just the wall!

      1. Oops……was it me……did not intend to mean….you can’t take photographs….just an opinion on one particular shot…..and that’s all. You do take some great photo’s…and I look forward to them……..and you already KNOW I do Gordon…..sorry if I offended you 🙁

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