Middle of July 2016 most popular photos

Below are the top three most looked at photos on this website so far during July 2016.

Number 1 (754 views) : Wetsuit cycling
Wetsuit cycling

Number 2 (648 views) : Zone3 Evolution Swim-Run wetsuit
Zone3 Evolution Swim-Run wetsuit

Number 3 (592 views) : Amazing Spiderman 2 Morphsuit
Amazing Spiderman 2 Morphsuit

4 Replies to “Middle of July 2016 most popular photos”

  1. Gordon……I am baffled yet again….by people’s choice’s. My favourite out of these three photo’s is pretty obvious….Number three !!!! 🙂

  2. Oh No…..got that wrong did’nt I……of course….my favourite out of these is number two……..Wetsuit…..yeah!! 🙂

  3. As I have said in the past , you could be wearing a bin bag and you would still look like a sex God

  4. …….what !!!!!!!!! Bin Bags? Please don’t wear them……Cycling Kit fits much better and looks much srxier,………not bin bags…..they are awful, and, of course, they make you sweat a lot !!!!! 🙂

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