Middle of June 2016 most popular photos

Below are the top three most looked at photos on this website so far during June 2016.

Number 1 (481 views) : Amazing Spiderman 2 Morphsuit
Amazing Spiderman 2 Morphsuit

Number 2 (406 views) : Out cycling
Out cycling

Number 3 (258 views) : Wetsuit cycling
Wetsuit cycling

5 Replies to “Middle of June 2016 most popular photos”

  1. Have to say, I’m rather surprised by photo’s 1 & 2 being most viewed, photo 3 is great……..but I can think of many other photo’s of you in Wetsuits and Cycling Kit, that I would put well-ahead of photo’s 1 & 2. Anyway, we all have different preferences I suppose Mate. Thanks. πŸ™‚

    1. Also not the photos, I was thinking would be in the top three! You would think, photos that show more off would be higher! LOL πŸ™‚

  2. Exactly Gordon……..l just don’t get these choice’s at all. I would of thought the top choices, would have been the various Cycling Kit’s we like, plus you in those, smooth, shiney Wetsuit’s……..and there are brilliant photo’s of you in all this stuff……..ha ha…….yeh, I agree, the photo’s which ” show more off ” …….and I do have my favourite’s….LOL πŸ™‚

  3. A thought has just come to me . its will be the summer solstice on monday , can we look forward to a clip of film of you looking stunning in white lycra as you worship the rising sun , doing a little sun dance maybe . Oh well we live in hope

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