Best number of miles in a month in over a year! This month I did 366.7 miles which means, I’ve done the most miles in a single month since June last year (2015). Even then I only did 366.3 miles. So I am just over that total and no more!
Also by this point last year, I had only done 209.5 miles. Right now I am at 551 miles! So looking like this, should be a good year cycling wise! And make up for last year, somewhat!
Oh and please do also follow my cycling adventures at
Here is the data from February 2016:-
- Total cycles: 17
- Total Distance: 366.7 miles
- Total Time: 33:17:07 (h:m:s)
- Avg Speed: 11 mph
- Max Time: 3:15:34 (h:m:s)
- Max Speed: 36.6 mph
- Avg Distance: 21.58 miles
- Max Distance: 34.59 miles (Single cycle)
Data from: Garmin Connect.
Here are my favourite cycling photos from the month