I was hoping to get out yesterday for a cycle. But had to wait till today! Yesterday the temperature in my part of the UK got up to 35C, which if you ask me, is just way to hot for cycling in!
So today, I did 34.10 miles on the bike. Which I am more than happy with! But this month cycling wise is going to be hard work! Since in July of last year, I did 705.2 miles! I need to get a hell of a lot of miles in this month!!
I will now leave you with the route map, route statistics and photos.
Route map:-
Elevation graph:-
Route statistics:-
- Start time: 2:33 pm.
- Distance: 34.10 miles.
- Time: 2:43:23 (h:m:s).
- Elapsed Time: 3:34:15 (h:m:s).
- Avg Speed:Β 12.5 mph.
- Max Speed: 35 mph.
- Elevation Gain: 318 meters.
- Min Elevation: 55 meters.
- Max Elevation: 155 meters.
Data from: Garmin Connect.
Photos from the cycle:-