Got a HOT lad in my Amazing Spiderman 2 Morphsuit

While out cycling today, I bumped into a very sexy lad. He was dressed in Lycra, we got speaking… and I asked, if he wanted to try out my Amazing Spiderman 2 Morphsuit. Which I happened to have with me! Which he said he would love to! Once he was in the suit, I also cuffed him. Did not want him running away… Not everyday you meet bump into someone that wants to try out Lycra…

Here are some photos, to show it did really happen!!

Amazing Spiderman 2 Morphsuit

Amazing Spiderman 2 Morphsuit

Amazing Spiderman 2 Morphsuit

9 Replies to “Got a HOT lad in my Amazing Spiderman 2 Morphsuit”

    1. I was very nice to him! I let him back out on the handcuffs, so he could cycle back home 🙂

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