04-Feb-2013 : 20 mile cycle with 40+ mph wind speed

Oh dear, oh dear. It was yet another very windy cycle. I believe that the wind speed went above 40 mph at times. It was OK when the wind was behind me, or even side on. But was hell when cycling head on into it. So only did 21.91 miles. Still not to bad and takes my monthly total so far up to 64.5 miles.

I will now leave you with the route map, elevation graph and route statistics.

Route map:-

04-02-2013 bike ride

Elevation graph:

04-02-2013 bike ride elevation graph

Route statistics:-

  • Distance: 21.91 miles.
  • Time: 1:47:49 (h:m:s).
  • Avg Speed: 12.2 mph.
  • Max Speed: 27.8 mph.
  • Elevation Gain: 190 meters.
  • Min Elevation: 23 meters.
  • Max Elevation: 95 meters.

Data from: Garmin Connect.

Video : Glasgow Underground 1975

I am so more of you will find this video very boring. But since I grow up in Glasgow and I love this sort of stuff. It’s a look at the Glasgow Underground. 17th February 1975.

I am sure many of you, will not even know that Glasgow got a underground system. It’s also the third-oldest underground system in the world after the London Underground and the Athens Metro.


Big thanks to the Glasgow Subway for posting a link to this post on there facebook page, or I may have never found it!

Myself and the new family dog!!

When I say new, Mum and Dad got him in December and this photo was taken on 24th December 2012. But my Dad has only just got around to emailing it to me! He’s so cute! Can’t wait till I am next up in Scotland and get to see him again.

Myself with Ghillie the 4th