-> This nice eye expression piercing through the helmet &
-> the nearly shoulder length renegade (main) hair growing out the helmet &
-> a nice tight suit (but sadly no wetsuit)
sadly the actual much shorter (much more boring) hair state needs 3/4+ Year growing time again … but the eye expression should be used any time …
I miss the summer and the cycling gear! have to be lycra, whatever it is 🙂
You choose mate, you choose!
Gear to wear @ Photo-shooting: “Cressi Glaros” or existing “Blueseventy Bxium” wetsuit
Picture 1: Georgious ( https://gordon-valentine.com/zenphoto/albums/me/2012/dsc00419.jpg )
-> This nice eye expression piercing through the helmet &
-> the nearly shoulder length renegade (main) hair growing out the helmet &
-> a nice tight suit (but sadly no wetsuit)
sadly the actual much shorter (much more boring) hair state needs 3/4+ Year growing time again … but the eye expression should be used any time …
P.S.1. the only good suit is a wetsuit …
p.s.2. try the (on posting top mentioned) 1.5 / 2 mm slick shiny (metal perl effect) Cressi Glaros ( http://www.swiminn.com/schwimmen/cressi-glaros-swim-mono-2-mm/5641/p?utm_source=google_products&utm_medium=merchant&id_producte=77718 -> Alex & similar Athletic lads should also use the sleeveless shorty variant )
Sorry people never had the time to do these photos. Before going to Scotland. I will make sure, I will do them, once back in England.
No worries – Christmas catches up with us all !! x