Peterborough Greyhounds : Children In Need 2012

Every year at the Peterborough Greyhounds we dress up for Children In Need. This year we are did a Walt Disney theme. Here are some photos from the evening :).

The full set of these photos can be found at

3 Replies to “Peterborough Greyhounds : Children In Need 2012”

  1. “What no responses yet !” These are great pictures and those in the full set are great too. Handsome lot of staffers in excellent outfits. The young man dressed as Peter Pan is awesome ( great in thos tights) . The other gents pictured are a handsome group, you included Gordon , thre young lady is also very pretty, Hope the event was as successful as it was fun ( it did look fun ) !

    1. Yes I know, I was thinking the same thing about no responses. Well till you posted one that is :). The he sure did pull of them tights very well indeed. He did make a great Peter Pan!

      It was a very good night at work. Still to find out how much we raised for Children in Need. When I find out, I will make sure I post the total here!

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