Updated the vlog location’s map (29/06/2012)

Just added the location’s for the following vlogs:-

[iframe: src=”http://maps.google.co.uk/maps/ms?msa=0&msid=210034178439082910802.0004bd5b5687643269275&ie=UTF8&t=m&ll=54.572062,-3.317871&spn=6.371725,13.183594&z=6&output=embed” width=”100%” height=”550″ scrolling=”no” frameborder=”0″]

Website been saved!!

I should have really said by now. This website has been saved!! After lots and lots of work by myself and my host. Looks like the DDoS attack has stopped. The Bandwidth has dropped back down to more normal level. After hitting a record high in April of 34,594.89 MB. When my monthly limit is 20,000 MB. In May it only used 4,511.51 MB, so well within my monthly limit.

Below is a graph showing the total bandwidth used in May 2012.

So I think we can all look forward to this website being around for many, many, more years to come!!

Last new Adidas full body suit photos… for a while!

Here are some new photos of me wearing the sexy Adidas full body suit. Hope you all like them. They will be the last new ones for a while…

Even more photos of myself wearing this suit can be found at www.gordon-valentine.com/zenphoto/adidas-full-body-suit/.

Danny Kent + leathers = HOT!

When I was having my daily look at fmforums, when I found this lad on it! He’s so FIT! And looks great in his biker leathers. Also really helps, that I have a big thing, for fit lads in biker leathers.

Want to see more photos of him? Then check out his website at www.dannykentracing.com or follow him at twitter.com/dannykent52.

Third time cycling to work this year

So far this year, I have cycled to and from work three times. That may not sound much, but it still comes to around 138 miles. Since the round trip is 46 miles. If Google is to believed I have saved £23.40 in fuel.

Check out the following two pages, to see the route I take to and from work:-

The only bad thing about cycling in a skinsuit is…

The only bad thing about cycling in a skinsuit is… when you have to stop and have a loo break!

Hope you like these photos, more can be found at www.gordon-valentine.com/zenphoto/me/2012/page/7.

Contact form and BF app form just been fixed!

Sorry if you have been trying to contact me, or fill out the boyfriend application form. No idea why, but they both stopped working. When anyone filled them out and press send, they got the following error message.

I believe it’s now been fixed. If not, please comment on this post. And I will look at it again.

Middle of June’s 2012 most popular photos

Below are the top three most looked at photos on this website so far during June 2012.

Number 1 (249 views) : Adidas full body suit

Number 2 (168 views) : Adidas full body suit

Number 3 (157 views) : Adidas full body suit