My website went over it’s monthly bandwidth allocation for the first time! Which is BAD news. My monthly bandwidth allocation is 20 GB. In April the website used 25.83 GB. So I ended up paying an extra £5 this month, so cover the cost of the extra bandwidth. Which is a lot, since I only pay £3.95 a month to host this website. Most of that extra bandwidth has come from a SPAM website. Hoping I have now blocked traffic coming from that host. I don’t have the money to pay an extra £5 a month, if it goes over like it did last month.
Below is a graph showing the total bandwidth used in April 2012.
So in some said news, to try to save some bandwidth. I have had to make lots of the photos smaller again. I had been uploaded the new photos at 1,920 x 1,080. I have just re-sized them all back to the normal 1,000 x 750.
If that, does not do the job. May have to remove the wallpaper, since that does use a far bit of bandwidth.
I will keep you all updated on this…
I was really interested in this because I’ve been going over my Broadband allocation by as much as £15 a month. My computer has been “playing up”, so I took it to the PC shop. They told me that it’s getting a bit old now and is “slowing down.” Could this be why I’m using up my allocation so fast? I’m a bit dumb when it comes to this sort of thing. I visit your website a lot (!!!) but can’t understand why I get through my allocation so quickly. Maybe I need to invest in a new PC. 🙁
£3.95 is pretty good for hosting your website – it gives us all so much pleasure and enjoyment! 🙂
I too have a 20GB usage allowance, last month I used 27GB, so have to pay an extra £10!
Steve, I doubt its your computer that is eating up your allowance. I know I use the internet a heck of a lot more now. We’ll just have to restrict ourselves… somehow.
Yes, G, that’s excellent value for web-space these days and I would agree that having come across this site and being able to chat to you G, is probably one of the top 3 best things that I have found on the net!
Thanks for the comment/advice BlondGuppy. Yes….We’ll have to be more selective and cut back a bit…..but NOT on GSV TV !!!
No… we can’t go without our regular dose of GSV-TV! 😀