Vlog: First multi location vlog, cycling in wetsuit

Here is my first vlog filmed in more than one location, then edited together. Since it was pissing it down, I had my wetsuit on, under my cycling gear.

Check out www.gordon-valentine.com/vlog-locations/ to see the location’s I filmed this vlog.

It was another wet day, so great for wetsuit cycling

Since it’s done just about nothing but rain for the pass two days. I made up my mind to make the most of it and put a wetsuit on and get out a nice cycle :).

More photos from this set can be found @ www.gordon-valentine.com/zenphoto/me/2012/page/4.

Poll: What should I wear in my next vlog?

I have just added a new poll. Which can be found on the top right of each page. This poll is about, what should I wear in my next vlog?

You can vote from three of the following:-

  • Biker leathers
  • Cycling gear (Lycra)
  • Gas mask
  • Handcuffs
  • Neoprene Sleepsack
  • Straitjacket
  • Wetsuit