Vlog: Cycling at Rutland Water

Here is yet another cycling vlog. This time filmed at Rutland Water. I am sure you will love this one. Since I am wearing my very, very sexy white Lycra Garmin team kit.

5 Replies to “Vlog: Cycling at Rutland Water”

  1. The definition on these vlogs is incredible. I could see the church in the background quite clearly. It looks like the drought in taking its toll on Rutland Water. Hope this amazing weather we’re having lasts so that you can do more cycling …..and get a tan! Thanks for sharing! 🙂

    1. Glad that you can make out the Church. Which is called St Matthew’s Church in case you wanted to know.

      Yes the drought is really taking it’s toll on Rutland Water. Don’t think, I have ever seen it so low.

  2. “A friend has already done 104 miles” Hmm. I wonder who that was… 😉

    The photos do not do it justice. This looks such an awesome place… But I bet it can be busy in high summer!

    Excellent vlog. Seems like you are really enjoying doing the vlogs now you have a new camera!

    Nice one G, am looking forward to the next episode of GSV-TV! 🙂

    1. Yes it’s awesome place to cycle around. I am very lucky to live so close to it. Yep gets, very, very busy during the summer. Don’t often go then. Since often the other cyclists often go way, way to slow for my liking.

      I filmed another new vlog today, which I will upload over night.

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