At long last got around to posting my first vlog since July. This is only a short one, I will record and upload a longer one later today.
HS2 rail line to go ahead!
Great news for just about everyone in the UK. The HS2 rail line to go ahead. About time, our rail network has been in the slow line for way, way to long. Now let’s just get on and build it!
Related news articles:-
Cycle goals for 2012
Last year my main cycling goal was to do 5,000 miles. Which I am pleased to say I did. This year I have set myself lots of smaller goals.
Here is a list of them. I am sure this list will just grow and grow.
- Cycle at least 4,500 miles this year.
- Do at least two 100 mile bike rides.
- Aim for a 125 mile one.
- Set off on a cycle every hour between 9am and 11pm.
- Beat every months longest cycle, that I set last year.
- Do the Rest and Be Thankful road (A83) in Scotland.
If you have set any cycling goals this year, I would love to hear about them. Add your comments to this post PLEASE :).
Second cycle of 2012
That’s me just done my second cycle of 2012. I did 19.08 miles, so a bit better than I did yesterday. My average speed was much better it was 13.4 mph. When it was only 12.6 mph, the other day.
You will be pleased to hear I was only wearing tight cycling gear, no trousers over the top of my cycling shorts. Since I broke the button just above the fly zip. So they don’t stay up :(. But right now, my loss is your gain. But I would make the most of it, while you can. I have ordered some new one’s from Chain Reaction Cycles, which should turn up later this week.
I will leave you with cycling statistics from today’s ride.
- Distance: 19.08 miles.
- Time: 1:25:26 (h:m:s).
- Avg Speed: 13.4 mph.
- Max Speed: 26.8 mph.
- Elevation Gain: 165 meters.
Data from: Garmin Connect.
Photos from today’s cycle:-
First cycle of 2012
That’s me just done my very first cycle of the year :). I did a whole 17.7 miles so only 4,48.2.3 miles till I get to this years goal of 4,500. Yes I know that’s less than last year. But I think that 5,000 miles in one year was a one off. But who knows.
I will leave you with cycling statistics from today’s ride.
- Distance: 17.7 miles.
- Time: 1:24:17 (h:m:s).
- Avg Speed: 12.6 mph.
- Max Speed: 25.6 mph.
- Elevation Gain: 179 meters.
Data from: Garmin Connect.
Photos from today’s cycle.
My blu-ray collection so far (updated : 04/01/2012)
Website statistics for December 2011
Below are the main website statistics for December 2011.
- Unique visitors: 4,233 (highest in the year).
- Bandwidth: 8.18 GB (most used in the year).
- Browsers: IE (33.2%), Firefox (35.2%), Chrome (14.4%), Safari (8%), Opera (3.9%).
- Operating Systems: Windows (79.1%), Macintosh (12.5%), Others (3.8%), Linux (3.8%).
- Most viewed blog entry: Got Freesat? Then here is some great news 🙂 (Posted: 06/12/2011).
- Most viewed photo: Cycling in a wetsuit (296 views).
Data from AWStats.
December’s 2011 most popular photos
Happy New Year everyone!
This is just a very, very short post to say Happy New Year! xxx