December 2011 cycling statistics

Yes I know that December is not over, but I am going to Scotland tomorrow. So will not be doing any more cycling till I get back in January. So I may as well just post the cycling statistics from December now.

My yearly total now stands at 5,046.3 miles. Total miles since April 2003 is now at 21,606.1.

Here is the data from December 2011:-

  • Total cycles: 8.
  • Total Distance: 180.1 miles.
  • Total Time: 14:18:58 (h:m:s).
  • Avg Speed: 12.6 mph.
  • Max Time: 2:36:48 (h:m:s).
  • Max Speed: 28.3 mph.
  • Avg Distance: 22.51 miles.
  • Max Distance: 34.06 miles.

Data from: Garmin Connect.

Here are my favourite cycling photos from the month

Winter cycling gearCycling in a wetsuitCycling in a wetsuitCycling in a wetsuitCycling in a wetsuit

2 Replies to “December 2011 cycling statistics”

  1. Not only did you reach your goal – you went even further. A brilliant achievement. Have a great time in Scotland.

    1. I am well pleased with my total for the year. When I set that goal, I was sure there was no way at all, I would make it.

      Thanks I will have a great time in Scotland. Well once the 320+ mile drive up in out of the way. Follow me on twitter @ to hear all about my journey :).

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