That’s episode 109 of my podcast on-line. OMG two weeks in just one week, what is going on? In this episode, I am speaking about what my cycling goals are for next year.
Check out all my past podcast’s at
That’s episode 109 of my podcast on-line. OMG two weeks in just one week, what is going on? In this episode, I am speaking about what my cycling goals are for next year.
Check out all my past podcast’s at
I like the new format for your podcasts. It was easy enough before, but now there is no excuse for not listening to them!! I don’t think I understand all the technical stuff (!) – the main thing is that we can continue to hear all about the things you’ve been doing in your life.
So, 4,500 miles then? I bet at one time in the past, you thought you would not do more than 1,000 miles in a year.
I congratulate you for your magnificent achievement in 2011. One day of 100 miles and 5,046 miles in total. Amazing.
Plus, the new way to listen to your wonderful podcasts is great… No excuse for people not to listen now!
Thank you G, for a superb 2011. I hope 2012 brings you everything you want.