My blu-ray collection so far (updated : 30/11/2011)…

Below is a photo of my blu-ray collection. It’s only growing by 3, since my last blu-ray collection post. But with Christmas coming up, I am sure my collection will grow again :).

Just 155 more miles to go :)

I only need to do 155 more miles on the bike and I can say I have done 5,000 miles!!! So please, stay away wind, snow and ice! Hope that it will be less than 100 by Friday. If the weather plays nice that is.

Head to toe in biker gear

I hope that you like these new photos. The first three photos were taken in my back garden. The second lot, were taken on the way back from work. I parked my car, then walked to the tunnel. Changed from my work gear, into the biker gear. Then locked it in a bag, so I had to then drive back home in my leathers. But I did take the gloves and helmet off. It was so much fun, need to do it again.


Just 205 till I get to 5,000 miles of cycling

I now only have 205 more miles to go, till I can say I have done 5,000 miles of cycling on the bike! It’s getting so close I can just about smellthe end :). Hope when I get to the 5,000 mile mark, lots and lots of fit lads wearing lycra will help me celebrate!

Here is the data from this month so far…

  • Total cycles: 15.
  • Total Distance: 183.17 miles.
  • Total Time: 14:32:24 (h:m:s).
  • Avg Speed: 12.6 mph.
  • Max Time: 2:15:54 (h:m:s).
  • Max Speed: 27.1 mph.
  • Avg Distance: 12.21 miles.
  • Max Distance: 28.30 miles.

Data from: Garmin Connect.

Biker gear jigsaw is complete

At long last my biker gear jigsaw is complete. I now have the RST Delta Gloves, to go with the RST Pro Series 1 Piece Leather Suit and ZF-10 Karlie motorcycle helmet. Below are some sexy photos of myself, wearing the full set.

RST Pro Series 1 Piece Leather Suit

RST Pro Series 1 Piece Leather Suit

RST Pro Series 1 Piece Leather Suit

Looking forward to reading all your comments about them. If you don’t feel like commenting on them, please at least rate them :).

Website statistics for October 2011

Below are the main website statistics for October 2011. From now on, I will try to post website statistics like this every month.

  • Unique visitors: 3,241.
  • Bandwidth: 6.63 GB.
  • Browsers: IE (35.8%), Firefox (35.3%), Chrome (13%), Safari (6.5%), Opera (2.9%).
  • Operating Systems: Windows (80.8%), Macintosh (11.3%), Others (3.2%), Linux (4.4%).
  • Most viewed blog entry: That’s me in Scotland 🙂 (Posted: 03/10/2011).
  • Most viewed photo: Wetsuit prison (254 views).

Data from AWStats.

Coldish winter cycle of the year so far…

Think I can safely say today has been the coldish winter cycle, I have done so far this winter. It was around 9C the whole time, with some sun. I did the Colsterworth loop, which is 19.33 miles.

I will leave you with the normal photos and cycling statistics.

Photos from the cycle:-

Winter lycra cycling gearWinter lycra cycling gearWinter lycra cycling gear

Route statistics:-

  • Distance: 19.33 miles.
  • Time: 1:27:19 (h:m:s).
  • Avg Speed: 13.3 mph.
  • Max Speed: 27.1 mph.
  • Elevation Gain: 197 meters.

Data from: Garmin Connect.

Only 332.8 miles till 5,000 cycling

I only have 332.8 miles left to do this year, then I can say I have done 5,000 miles on the bike in one year. I WILL make it, well that’s if the weather plays ball. I would be pissed off if I only missed 5,000 by lets say 200 miles.

Oh and now I have fully working Internet. It’s time I make up for lost time. And get posting new photos, vlogs etc. So here are the two photos from today’s cycle.


RST Delta Gloves on the way

At long, long last I have got around to ordering gloves to go with the rest of my motorbike gear. I have just ordered some RST Delta Gloves, which are of course blue, to go with the rest of the gear.

I am getting them from since I know they offer a good service. Got all my other biker gear from them.