Wetsuit prison

One of my friends was trying to be funny. When helping me get in the wetsuit, before I had time to get my arms in the shaves he pulled it up, zipping my arms inside the suit. I was totally helpless, till he let me out.

Wetsuit prison

Wetsuit prison

I have a feeling at the end of the month, these will be the most popular photos 🙂

Happy days, I got out a cycle

Happy days, I got out a cycle for the first time, since getting to Scotland last Sunday. Till today, the weather has been to rain and windy most days. Also since the bike I use here is off the road right now. I had to wait for a new GPS holder to turn up, so I could fit my Garmin Edge 705 to my Dad’s bike.

It felt weird using my Dad’s bike. Since it does not have clip-less pedals or toe-clips. Like I am use to. I was hoping I could fit the toe-clips off my bike, onto my Dad’s bike, but they did not fit his bikes pedals. It was weird, it was like learning to ride a bike all over again. I could not work out where to put my feet at all.

So now on with the main event. The cycle it’s self. It was a great cycle. Went on roads I have not been on, since 2000. If not before and also covered roads, I have never cycled on before in my life. Plus lucky the rain stayed off. It was a bit on the cold side at times, then I did climb to 336 metres at one point.

I must say, I did really feel the hills today. In Scotland I can do 50 miles and not even feel it when I got home. I only did 26.34 miles. And my legs really did notice it. Then lots of that could be, riding a bike I am not use to at all.

So now here are some photos from the cycle, then will follow the map. And the cycling statistics, that I know make your day when I post them :).

Taken on the Crow Road (B822)

Taken on the Crow Road (B822)

Taken on the Crow Road (B822)

Route map:-

Not the best map in the world. Makes the route look really boring when it’s anything but. If you have the time, I would look at the route using Google Street View.

Elevation graph:-

Route statistics:-

  • Distance: 26.34 miles
  • Time: 2:19:51 (h:m:s)
  • Avg Speed: 11.3 mph
  • Max Speed: 21.1 mph
  • Elevation Gain: 491 meters

Data from: Garmin Connect.

What a boring day

Only doing a blog, since I said I would try and do one every day that I am up in Scotland. Has I am sure you can tell it’s been a long boring day. Not really done much at all. Watched some more of series 1 of Torchwood. Uploaded some new photos to this website. Which one for once, I am not wearing cycling gear or a wetsuit :).

Thes rest of time I was just around on the net, watching TV or playing with the dog. So let’s hope the weather is a bit better tomorrow. So I can get out and do things!

Had a great day with friends

I got up around 10:00am, which is very early for me. I had a shower and my Mum sorted out breakfast for me. I love my Mum to bits. Then I sorted out some stuff on my laptop, while I waited for my friend Neil from my Balfron High School days to turn up. It made a nice change unlike most of my friends he turned up on time. I like someone that is good with time keeping.

We both chatted at my place for a while. Before we set off into Glasgow using my car, to go to the Glasgow transport museum. We parked at the old museum. Since the website since it was the best place to park. Since the museum’s car park gets very busy. But when we got to museum, the car park was not very busy at all. But it was a very nice walk, so we did not mind at all. Lucky the rain stayed off, but the same could not be said about the wind.

I now what to say about the new Glasgow transport museum. It’s got both good and bad points. I like it’s location more, something very good about it being on the banks of the River Clyde. Just wish you could walk ago more of the quayside.  So now on with the inside of the museum. It’s a lot lighter inside than the old one.  But it’s also lost the feeling the old one had. I will need to go to it again, next time I am up. To fully made my mind up about it.

Oh could really say, while we were looking around the Glasgow transport museum. Our friend Jamie, also meet up with us. When then all went a nice walk into Glasgow to get something to eat. We went to The Edward Wylie, which is like my local pub up here. Since it’s the one I go to the most. The food was great has always and also had a very good catch up with Jamie and Neil at the same time.

After work we walked back to the car, which took us about 30 minutes. Also got a bit wet at the same time. Once back at the car, we drove to Ikea. Since I had not been to one in a while. Also found out that Neil had never been to one. So had to stop him being a Ikea virgin. I was a good boy and only got two things. One being a new photo frame and the other being a digital food thermometer for my Mum.

Once done at Ikea, we dropped Jamie off on route back to Killearn. Then I said my good byes to Neil. So at this point would like to say big thanks to them both for making it a great day.

Then I just spend the rest of the evening chatting to my parents about my day. Also my Mum really likes her digital food thermometer.

It was then time to playing around on the net. Mainly on facebook and twitter. I was also a bad boy and did some on-line shopping. I have sent off for the Toy Story blu-ray box set from amazon.co.uk.

So that was my fun filled day. Can’t see me doing much tomorrow at all. Since the weather is not looking to great :(.

First full day in Scoland

Well OK, maybe not the best blog title in the world. Since it may make you think it’s my first every full day in Scotland. Which of course it’s not, since I grow up here. It’s just my first full day here, since driving up on Sunday.

So what have I done today then? Well not really that much, since it’s been wet and windy just about all day. Then it’s Scotland so of course it’s going to be wet. Half washing I had taken a wetsuit up with me!

Over all it’s been a good day. Went into town my Dad and Mum. First time I had been out a good run in there new car. Really like it, still find it weird, when having a 4×4, since they have never had one before. We went to a shop called GO Outdoors. Which I am sure you can tell by the the name sells outdoors stuff. So I get myself some walking boots, which my Mum and Dad, paid for as part of my birthday :).

Once back home to Killearn. I spend most of the evening, just playing around on the net. Yes nothing new there at all. And watching the first series of Torchwood, seen it before. But only when it was on TV. Back then I did not have Freeview HD or Freesat HD. So watching it on blu-ray is so much better. I watched the first 5 episodes. I will no doubt end up watching the rest tomorrow evening.

So that was my first day in Scotland. Tomorrow should be better, since I am meeting up with a friend from my Balfron High School days and going to look around the Glasgow transport museum.

That’s me in Scotland :)

That’s me up in Scotland for 2 weeks :). I am up looking after the family dog Ghille, while my Mum and Dad go on holiday. They go on Wednesday, but I drove up today, so I get to spend some time with them before they go. Since I have not seen them since April. They do normally come down in June to see me. But Ghille is getting old, so they did not want to leave him.

The weather up is here cold. Funny when I left my village in England around 11:30am, it was 20C and blue sky. Get up here and it’s 14C and very, very wet. Just hope the weather gets a bit better, while here. Since I want to get some cycling in while here. Also want to get to see some friends while here. Don’t really feel like walking around Glasgow in the pissing down rain.

I will try to post a new blog most times. Well that’s if the weather is OK. If it’s crap,you will not want to hear, about what, I have been watching on TV all day!