That’s me in Scotland :)

That’s me up in Scotland for 2 weeks :). I am up looking after the family dog Ghille, while my Mum and Dad go on holiday. They go on Wednesday, but I drove up today, so I get to spend some time with them before they go. Since I have not seen them since April. They do normally come down in June to see me. But Ghille is getting old, so they did not want to leave him.

The weather up is here cold. Funny when I left my village in England around 11:30am, it was 20C and blue sky. Get up here and it’s 14C and very, very wet. Just hope the weather gets a bit better, while here. Since I want to get some cycling in while here. Also want to get to see some friends while here. Don’t really feel like walking around Glasgow in the pissing down rain.

I will try to post a new blog most times. Well that’s if the weather is OK. If it’s crap,you will not want to hear, about what, I have been watching on TV all day!

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