Weekly shopping with my bike, yes again :)

That’s me now done my weekly shopping using my bike for a third week in a row :P. So again saved £2.78 going by google. So now saved £8.34, so just need to do it again two times and will have saved around the same money I use on a average weeks shopping. This time I only had 4 kg in each pannier. Even with just 8 kg in total, you still notice it when going up the hill.

Here all the statistics for the cycle:-

  • Time: 1:06:14 (h:m:s).
  • Avg Speed: 13.5 mph.
  • Max Speed: 30.7 mph.
  • Elevation Gain: 122 metres.
  • Elevation Loss: 123 metres.
  • Min Elevation: 27 metres.
  • Max Elevation: 57 metres.

Also well pleased with myself set myself target of doing 1,000 miles on the bike, by the start of April. So far I have done 989.2, meaning I only have another 10.8 miles to go. Oh even better looks like this will be my first 500 mile+ month of the year. Done 414.5 so far.  So only got around 85.5 more to go. Which if the weather stays like this, I will have done by Friday 🙂


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