Below is the website statistics for January and February 2011.
January 2011
- Unique visitors: 2,455.
- Bandwidth: 3.35 GB.
- Browsers: IE (44.2%), Firefox (27.5%), Chrome (11.6%), Safari (9%), Opera (3%).
- Operating Systems: Windows (79.7%), Macintosh (14.4%), Others (4%), Linux (1.7%).
- Most viewed blog entry: Welcome to my new website π (Posted: 28/01/2011).
- Most viewed photo: Dog track Christmas party (242 views).
February 2011
- Unique visitors: 2,792.
- Bandwidth: 3.91 GB.
- Browsers: IE (36.9%), Firefox (31%), Chrome (13.3%), Safari (9.8%), Opera (5.1%).
- Operating Systems: Windows (75.1%), Macintosh (16.7%), Others (4.8%), Linux (3.2%).
- Most viewed blog entry: Just ordered a motorcycle helmet π (Posted: 15/02/2011).
- Most viewed photo: RST Pro Series 1 Piece Leather Suit (358 views).
Data from AWStats.