Just ordered a motorcycle helmet :)

I have just gone and spent £113.00 on a motorcycle helmet. Oppps and I don’t even own a motorbike. But I do have RST Pro Series 1 Piece Leather Suit and RST Razor Sport Boots, so the helmet was next. Maybe best not 2 ask, why I have all this gear 🙂 Lets just say it looks very sexy on the right lad! 😛

Oh yes should really tell you which one I am getting. It’s a HJC ZF-10 Karlie in Blue, to go with the rest of the gear. Getting it from sportsbikeshop.co.uk.

The World’s Worst Place to Be Gay?

Just been watching “The World’s Worst Place to Be Gay?” on BBC Three.  Where Scott Mills travels to Uganda where the death penalty could soon be introduced for being gay. The gay Radio 1 DJ finds out what it’s like to live in a society which persecutes people like him and meets those who are leading the hate campaign.

Makes me remember just how lucky I am to openly gay man living in the UK. You can watch the full program if you live in the UK, using the link below.


That’s my villages new look website now LIVE!!

That’s my villages new look website now LIVE!! Which I did a bit about on my blog a number of days ago. Still got lots of pages to add from the old website. But it’s fast getting there. So please check it out www.thebythams.org.uk and let me know what you think of it here! 🙂

The only another two other things I did today, was to do my weekly food shopping at Morrisons and give my car a much needed car. Think all I ended up doing was moving the mud off him and onto myself.

Chatting about my new website

Here is the vlog that I spoke about in my shortest ever vlog. In this one vlog I am chatting about all the work I have done to since website in last last of weeks. Reminding everyone that I am on facebook and twitter. Also about some gay films that I would recommend everyone to see.

Dream Boy and other gay films…

I now have my very own copy of Dream Boy, which I rented from LOVEFiLM.COM last week. It was so good, I had to get my very own copy. Think the cover says it all “Like Brokeback Mountain set in high school.” it’s now been added to my list of must see gay films…

Here is my top six gay films to watch.

  1. Beautiful Thing
  2. Get Real
  3. MILK
  4. Watercolors
  5. Dream Boy
  6. Shelter

A list of other gay films can be found my about me page.

Website down time and other stuff…

Sorry about this website being off-line for a good 4 hours today, it was due to a DDoS (distributed denial of service) attack against the people that host this website. The down time started at around 11:50am to around 4:30pm GMT. Want to read about about this problem then check out status.34sp.com.

Now onto some other stuff. At long last, I sorted myself out another hard drive, so I can backup at all main files. I use to be very good at backing everything up, till I got so much stuff even copying it all on to DVDs was taken 2 long. So I got myself a Western Digital 250GB Passport Portable USB 2.0 hard drive, from dabs.com, which set me back £34.99. Spent lots of day backing up data. So far 23.2 GB (19,130  photos) and now doing all my SD videos, which is a 52.3 GB which is going to take a wee while…

Also and also starting to fun job of redoing another one of my website. Lucky this time it’s one that I run with a friend, so hello Mark. It’s about the village that we both live in. So old (still live) version of the website can be found at www.thebythams.org.uk and the new version (not live) we’re working on can be found at www.thebythams.org.uk/thebythams/.

Oh and big thank-you to everyone that’s said good things about this new look website so far :). Still got a lot to do, but it’s getting there 🙂