Motorcycle helmet is here + photos :)

I got my new HJC ZF-10 Karlie on Thursday, but it’s been the first time I have really had the time to wear it. I think it goes very, well indeed with the rest of my sexy motorcycle gear :). Now I just need to sort out the gloves…

More photo can be @ I look forward to reading all your comments 🙂

15 Replies to “Motorcycle helmet is here + photos :)”

  1. Hello Gordon,
    How can I contact you directly ? It’s not possible to send you a message on Facebook, only a comment.

    With this comment, have you my e-mail adress ?
    I have seen all your pictures or video. You are a very funy man !
    I’m sorry if I make some mistakes on this comment, I’m french…
    Is it possible to contact us by e-mail ? How to do ?

  2. You looks nice with biker gear. You might consider to get respro (techno, city or sportsta) mask to give you a ninja look.

  3. Gordon, you are so sexy in this motorcycle gear ! And, have you find a motorcycle ? If it’s the case, can you post some pictures ? I’m sure you’ll be so great ! A sexy sexy biker !

  4. Best set of photos so far. So how long did you stay geared up like that? That’s the longest time you have kept the helmet on for? X

    1. So far the best time is around 1 and half hours, that was with the leathers + boots. So I did get just a well bit warm 😉

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