Thursday – 6th May 2010

I got out of bed around 10:15am, washed, had breakfast and all the normal morning stuff. Then Chris, Nick, Mark and myself went to the local polling station to vote. Not going to say who we voted for, other than two of us voted for one party and two of us for another party. I will say one thing none of us voted for the party in power right now.

Once back from voting. I give my room and the rest of the house a quick clean. Ready for one of my friends coming out for going a cycle. It’s the first time he had been over, did did not want him seeing the place look in a bit of a mess.

Nick (not the same Nick I went voting with) turned up at around 12:45pm. A bit later than he said he would come, then his time keeping has never been very good.

We set off on our bikes at 1:05pm, I only know that, since I got that time off my GPS. Before I get into the cycle, I should really say why we’re doing the cycle in the first place. The cycle is the first of many, making sure that Nick is ready for doing the End to End cycle, August next year.

So back to the cycle now, we cycled from my place to Rutland Water, then around it. The cycle was 34.28 miles. It took us 3:04:26 (h:m:s), which is longer than it would have taken me by myself. But it was very good going for Nick, since it’s the first time he’s been out on his bike, in about 7 months, if not longer. Also think it’s the longest cycle he’s ever done. So well done Nick.

Once back from the cycle, Nick went back home. Then I sorted out my dinner and eat it while watching some TV. Still loving my 32″ TV, things look so much better, than on my old 14″ TV in my bed room :).

Then I had a shower and set off into town to meet up with Tyler, Mike and Nick. It was Tyler’s 18th birthday drinks. He turned 18th two weeks, ago but still looks around 12. Some people have all the luck!

Then I had a shower and set off into town to meet up with Tyler, Mike and Nick. It was Tyler’s 18th birthday drinks. He turned 18th two weeks, ago but still looks around 12. Some people have all the luck! As normal I was the first to get there. Nick turned up at around 8:30pm, so only about 30 minutes late, which is good for Nick. Tyler and Mike, turned up at well after 9:00pm. It was fun evening out.

I got home at around 12:00am, after giving Nick a lift back home. Then I watched some of the election results on the BBC HD channel with Mark, till around 2:30am, before going to bed.