Tuesday – 16th February 2010

I spend most of the day moving the End to End cycle website, to it’s own hosting space. Up till now it’s been hosting using hosting space on this website. Mean as meant the URL’s for the website have not been the most. The main URL was www.endtoend-cycle.co.uk, then any sub page had to have www.gordon-valentine.com/endowed/ in them. Meant that trying to get filled on the first page on google, when search for “end to end cycle” just did not happen. It was showing up on something like page 4.

Now I am sure, I will get it listed on page one, with of course my aim being to get it listed in at least the first 5 search results. I am more then sure I can do it πŸ™‚

In other End to End cycle website news, I also added a new photo gallery system, so you can now view the photos in a slideshow, even better if you have Cooliris installed, you can view the photos in a 3D Wall which is well cool! To try it out goto www.endtoend-cycle.com/photos/ then click on “[View with PicLens]”. You will need to have the Cooliris addon installed, which works with Google Chrome, Firefox and IE.

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