Thursday – 19th October 2006

I got my car back from the garage. Where it’s been since Monday 15th October 2006. Getting it’s gear box fixed. First, I will you tell you the good news and that’s it’s running like new again. All the noises, coming from the gear box, have gone. So I can now hear, myself think again, when driving. The bad news, is much much. It cost me to get fixed. In total it cost, £920.47. £96.77 for a new clutch. £21.61 for gear oil. And wait for it… £485, to get the gear box repaired. Then on top of that, £137.09 was VAT.

£920.47 may sound like a lot. At least my wee baby, is back on the road again. The garage has done, a great job, if you ask me.

Oh before, I go. I better say, a very, very big thank-you to my Mum and Dad, for helping me pay the £920.47, to get it fixed. Where I would be, without them, I have no idea.

Tuesday – 10th October 2006

Today I took my car to the garage. So he (Yes HE, I am gay!! So no why, I am having a female car), could get a much needed service. It should have got it’s last service at 64,000 miles. But I was a very, very bad boy. And did not take it, to the garage, till it had done 85,018 miles. So in other words, I did just 20,018 miles, more then I really should have done.

The service, cost me £400.28. £170, for the labour. £170 for the materials. And of course, VAT which come to £59.62. The service included engine oil, oil filter, 2 front break discs, front break pads, and a lot more. I should list, everything it had done, I don’t read half of their writing.

I am happy that’s the service out of the way. But they did tell, me some very, very bad news. And that is my gear box is on it’s last legs. And will cost me a lot, to get fixed. But that’s another story, all together.

BTW: I have now done just over 31,000 miles in the car. Since I getting him, in October 2004.