Today I had the fun job of driving my car all 321 miles back down to Little Bytham. The journey started at 9:15am when I set off, from my parents house in Killearn. I left at that time to make sure that I missed the rush hour in Glasgow City centre and also on the M8. Which is busy at the best of times and would be hell on earth at rush hour.
Lucky by the time I joined the M8 in Glasgow most of the fog that had been with me since leaving Killearn had gone. I did not really like the idea of having to drive in fog on the motorway.
I was glad when I had got the motorway section around Glasgow out of the way. I joined the M8 motorway at junction 16. I stayed on the M8 for about 8 miles. Before joining the M73, then I stayed on M73 for about 2 miles before joining the A74(M).
I stayed on the A74(M) all the way to Gretna Green service station. Where I stopped at 11:00am (100 miles into the journey) to get a drink, something to eat and text my Mum and Dad to keep them updated, on how my journey was going to far. I was only at the service station for about 10 minutes, before getting on my way again.
Just after leaving Gretna Green you go over the bother and into England. Then the A74(M) goes down to the A74 which is not a nice section of road at all, because it’s only dual carriageway. But lucky it’s only like that was about 6 miles. Before it becomes motorway again and your on the M6.
I then stayed on the M6 till junction 40, which is just passed Penrith. Then I joined the A66 which is a great road that goes over the top of the Pennines. I really like the A66 before you get very really great views from it, on a clear day, which lucky it was. Most of the A66 was clear from any holdups. There was one section that had some roadwork’s, but lucky it only added about 15 minutes to the journey.
I was happy when I had cleared the A66 section of the journey and was safely at the service station at Scotch Corner. I got there at 12:45pm (181 miles into the journey). While I was there, I texted my parents again, while to the loo, had more to drink. And also filled my car up with fuel to make sure that I did could do the rest of the journey, without running out.
Once I left the service station. I joined the A1 which I would stay on for 135 miles. Before coming off at Morkery Lane then onto Little Bytham and home.
So over all it was a very good journey. In total it was 322 miles and I got to Little Bytham at 3:25pm.