Saturday – 19th July 2003

In the morning I spend a while emailing the helpdesk, to ask them if they have any ideas why my new account with them is not working. They worked it out very fast. They said “The account was created on an incorrect IP address, and as such all requests for the domain where resolving to the wrong server.” But not that they have fixed it my website should start working in next 12 hours, but only time will tell.

In the afternoon I went a cycle into Stamford to get a Phono to Phono audio lend, so that I can connect my TV to my Dolby Prologic Surround system.

Then in the evening just like every Saturday evening I was working at the Peterborough Greyhound Stadium. It was very busy, just like all Saturday nights are now.

Once I had finished work I went out to get a Pizza with some of the people that I work with.

I was very glad to get back home and into bed. Because it’s been a long day, but a good one.

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